Yoast SEO Premium Latest Version Free Download; Today, we have shared the Yoast SEO Premium GPL file for free download to everyone. We have also added Yoast Extensions ( Local SEO, Video SEO, News SEO, WooComerce SEO). The shared file is not nulled or cracked; it’s a 100% open GPL file, and you can use this GPL file on unlimited websites.
By Yoast SEO Premium still works normally even without a key, the key only helps you update your lifetime and support from Yoast support only. Above are the Yoast SEO plugin difference between Premium and Free SEO Yoast plugin. Well worth the Yoast Premium you use it. And now I will Yoast SEO plugin Premium share for you.
- In the free version, you can only set 1 focus keyword or keyphrase. That means you’ll have to choose what exactly to optimize for. In Yoast SEO Premium, you have the option to add more related keywords. This means, that when you want to optimize for pen, you can also optimize for paper in the same text.
- Yoast SEO Premium is an “add-on” for the free version of the plugin. This means that Yoast SEO Premium is a companion to the free version, and you need both plugins to work. So, before you can install Yoast SEO Premium, make sure you have Yoast SEO free installed and activated.
Yoast Seo Premium Plugin Honest Revieve
Table of Contents
Let me introduce you to the features of Yoast SEO Premium. Of course, when you buy Yoast SEO Premium, you get access to a couple of things.
The first of all being: support. You get access to our excellent support team to answer your emails 24/7.
Yoast Seo Premium Free
We might not always respond within the minute, but we’re trying to respond as fast as we can, and we’re ever-growing that team to be faster and faster, and they can help you with setup questions and with particular questions about things that do not work in your install.
Now, I’d like to talk to you about a more robust set of features. First of all, you get social previews. Do you know the snippet preview from Yoast SEO?
The social previews are the previews of what your page will look like when shared on Facebook and Twitter. Next to that, you can use up to five keywords per post instead of one.
So, where you can set one focus keyword for a post in Yoast SEO free, in Yoast SEO Premium, you can use up to five, so you can optimize for synonyms, or you can optimize for a couple of related words in one post.
On top of that, we give you internal linking suggestions. We give you tips on other pages within your site to connect to this page.
I’ll give you more information about that in a sec. We give you content insights. We tell you which words you’ve used the most on this page or post. It’s as simple as that.
We count the words, and we give you the most used words, but actually, that bit of insight can be precious when optimizing your post.
When you realize that you’re writing about one word a lot more than the focus keyword you’re aiming to write your post about. We have a redirect manager that allows you to create redirects.
This seems relatively trivial, but it’s not embedded into WordPress, so you need a way to redirect the user from one URL to another when they hit your site. I’ll talk a bit more about that in a sec as well.
Finally, last but not least, when you buy Yoast SEO premium, all of Yoast becomes ad-free. In the backend, we usually have some ads to highlight our services and our products because we have to
make money. But as soon as you pay us some money by buying Premium, we remove all those ads, because we find them as annoying as you do, but we have to have a way to make money.
So, as soon as you buy Yoast SEO Premium, those ads are gone, and you can use that a lot more easily for your clients.
Now I have two personal favorites. I touched on those. It’s the redirect manager, and it’s a personal favorite because it ties in with a feature of Yoast SEO that’s very powerful as well. If you go into the Google Search
Console page within Yoast SEO, you can see all the errors Google has seen for your site. With the redirect manager, you can redirect those errors away immediately so you can solve those errors without even leaving your WordPress admin.
It’s a lovely connection between the two. It does other things as well, so if you delete a page, it will ask you, “Hey, you’ve just deleted this page; where should I redirect this to?” Or if you’ve renamed a category, it will
say, “Hey, you’ve just renamed the category; we’ve created a redirect from the old URL of the category to the new URL of the category for you.”
Automatically, you don’t have to think about it. We’ll keep your site nice and clean. The other feature that I like is the internal linking suggestions.

The internal linking suggestions are a bit like the secret tool of most experienced SEOs. Most experienced SEOs, when they get to a site, either large or small, start looking at “okay, so what page should rank for what and how can I make that page rank for that a lot better”?
And what they then start doing is optimizing the site’s internal linking. With our interior linking suggestions, we help you by suggesting relevant internal links for every post and page to ensure that your site reaches its full potential in what it can rank for.
Now, as you may have heard, all of these features of Yoast SEO Premium is fantastic when you want to optimize your site.
If you don’t want to spend time on your SEO, then, by all means, you don’t need Yoast SEO Premium. But as soon as you want to spend time on your SEO, you want to optimize your site Yoast SEO Premium will save you an awful lot of time. Good luck!
How does Yoast SEO Premium compare to the Yoast free version?
Yoast Premium Vs Free
Yoast Premium
Optimize for keywords, keyphrases, synonyms, related keywords, and all word forms of those
Help your page rank better by taking synonyms and related keywords into account. We’ll also show you how these are distributed over your page!
Word forms are available in English, Dutch, German, and Spanish & more languages to come!
Tell Google precisely what your page is about
Ensure that Google, Bing, Pinterest, and other platforms all know precisely what your page is about by adding schema.org data the right way. Faster indexing, rich results!
Know when to update your most important pages!
We’ll keep an eye on your most important pages and warn you when these haven’t been updated for six months. Google likes fresh content!
Preview your page in Google, Bing, Facebook, and Twitter
You’ll get a good idea of how your page may look in search results, and you get full control over how your page appears on Facebook and Twitter. So you’re sure it convinces people to click through.
Get real-time suggestions for internal links.
You get suggestions for links to other pages as you write. Google loves these internal links and might reward you with a better ranking.
We’ll ask what you want us to do with every deleted page.
This way, old pages are seamlessly redirected to new ones. So you keep both your visitors and Google happy.
Be sure search engines can find your content.
Get an overview of all pages with no other pages linking to them. Search engines need at least one link to find and index a page before showing it in the search results.
24/7 support
Their excellent and knowledgeable support team loves to help you with every question you ask through email personally.
No ads
We’ve removed the ads for you. We love your support! Thanks!
Get an overview of your SEO scores and focus keywords.
You can automatically generate a CSV file that gives you an overview of your keywords, URL, readability score, and title. So it’s easy to see what you should optimize next.
Yoast Free
Only one keyword or keyphrase per page
You might be missing out on search traffic for synonyms or related terms. Check manually if you use all synonyms and associated words you’d like to rank for often enough in your text.
In premium and in free
As this makes the internet as a whole better, we put it in both our paid and free plugin!
Keep an eye on all pages manually.
You’ll need to check manually if any outdated pages need to be updated.
No preview of your page on Facebook and Twitter
You know what your page might look like in Google and Bing, but for Facebook and Twitter? You can only guess and cross your fingers.
You have to look up related pages yourself.
Don’t forget to reserve extra time to look up related pages to link to every page you create and all the current pages on your website.
You have to create a redirect every time you delete a page.
If you forget to redirect, your visitors get stuck on a 404 page. And Google doesn’t like those “Page not found” messages.
You have to search for these pages yourself.
You’ll need to check manually if there are links to your website’s relevant pages.
No support
You can help yourself with our extensive knowledge database. There are over 580 articles, so your question is definitely in there.
You’ll see ads for our other excellent products and services.
No dashboard
You’ll have to click around your website and compile this Excel dashboard yourself.
Other benefits to having Yoast premium
- Free updates every two weeks
- Includes all features from the free plugin like:
- Readability check
- SEO analysis
- Full control over your breadcrumbs
- Always updated for Google’s algorithm
Yoast Seo Premium Cost
Yoast SEO Premium v16.1 Changelog
- Fixes a bug where notifications in the notification center would not be dismissible on sites using FastCGI.
- Fixes a bug where the estimated reading time would not be shown when posts that were created before Yoast SEO 15.6 were shared on Slack.
- Adds a Block Editor block that shows the estimated reading time for a Page or Post.
- Adds the estimated reading time to the Insights Modal.
- Introduces word form support for Norwegian.
- Fixes a bug where the Yoast siblings and subpages blocks were not active in certain edge cases.
- Reduces JavaScript bundle sizes, which should result in slightly faster page loads of the editor.
- It also Includes every other change done in Yoast SEO v15.6.2 free version.
Yost SEO Premium Bulk Purchase Price List
Yoast Seo Extensions Installation Guide
step 1 – Download and install YOast SEO premium Plugin
step 2 – Download Yoast SEO Extension File and Extract it
step 3 – Now you have all 4 Yoast SEO Extension file
step 4 – Now click plugin –>Add New–>Upload Plugin–>select plugin file from Extarcted files
step 5 – Now install all extension files one by one
step 6 – Keep visiting this site for new updated files
Yoast SEO Premium Latest Version Free Download Post Update Details
Yost SEO Premium Plugin v16.0.3 Updated On 26-03-2021
Yoast Premium Post Update Details
Yoast SEO Premium Plugin Installation Guide Video (GPL file installation guide)
This video shows you How you can successfully install the Yoast SEO Premium plugin GPL file. So before downloading the file, please watch the complete video
Yoast SEO Premium Latest Version Free DownloadLinks
(Extract File Before Use – !st install free one after that install Premium)
Yoast extensions Free Download Links
Yoast Local SEO v13.9 Download Link
Yoast Video SEO v13.8 Download Link
Yoast News SEO v12.7 Download Link
Yoast Woocomerce SEO v13.9 Download Link