Webex Webex Teams

Direct Messages

Webex Teams will be loaded within the web page. If you are using the Desktop client, enter your Primary UW Madison email address and click 'Next'. When prompted, enter your NetID and Password credentials. You may also be prompted for your multi-factor authentication (MFA). Webex Teams will now be loaded within the application. Webex Teams goes beyond the meeting itself, after all, meetings are just one part of a team journey. It aims to integrate the whole collaboration experience before, during and after meetings. All this collaboration and action happens within Spaces.

You send a message directly to one person. The conversation that you started remains between the two of you, and you can't add other people to the conversation later.


Spaces work well for a group of people working on a specific topic. You come together to handle this thing (which can be something quick or long term), but the focus is more narrow and specific. You could also hear these referred to as standalone spaces.

You can join a space when someone who's already in the space adds you to it.

Webex Teams Download

Spaces start out unmoderated, which means anyone can do things like add or remove people, or change the name and picture . But if you need more control over who's joining, you can make yourself a moderator of a space . Then, only you can add people to the space, and you get other privileges like being able to delete people's messages or files .


If your original intention changes and that project outgrows its original purpose, you can create a team and then move a space into a team .

Teams help you keep everything organized by putting multiple spaces under a common theme. Teams are great for a consistent group of people who are going to be working on something for a long time. That something can involve many activities, or could be subprojects happening at the same time.

To join a team , a moderator must add you to it.

Every team has at least one team space, General . You're automatically added to the General space when you're added to the team. As a team member, you can view and join any unmoderated team space within the team. You can also create team spaces for others to join.

With the Cisco Webex Video Integration for Microsoft Teams, users in your organization can join Microsoft Teams meetings from Cisco and SIP-capable video devices registered either in the cloud or on-premises.

Webex Vs Teams

With this integration, you get this enhanced experience on supported devices when they join Microsoft Teams meetings hosted by your organization:

Online Webex Teams

Webex and webex teams

Webex Teams Webex Meetings

  • Multi-screen Cisco Webex experience with flexible layout options

  • Full roster list

  • Bi-directional content share

  • One Button to Push (OBTP) simplified meeting join experience


Webex Calling Includes Webex Teams And Meetings

Permissions Granted

The Cisco Webex Video Integration for Microsoft Teams requires an explicit set of permissions in your Microsoft tenant. These permissions are not customizable and are based on the requirements for application media bots in Microsoft Teams. Completing the consent flow grants the integration the following required permissions:



Read domains (Domain.Read.All)

Allows the service to read the tenant’s verified domain names. The domain names are used in Control Hub to identify the tenant that the service is linked to.

Initiate outgoing 1 to 1 calls from the app (Calls.Initiate.All)

Reserved for future use. Allows creation of calls by the bot to Microsoft Teams users.

Initiate outgoing group calls from the app (Calls.InitiateGroupCall.All)

Reserved for future use. Allows creation of calls by the bot to a group of Microsoft Teams users.

Join group calls and meetings as an app (Calls.JoinGroupCall.All)

Allows the bot to join group calls and scheduled meetings in your organization with the privileges of a directory user. Used for joining participants who are authorized to bypass the Microsoft Teams lobby.

Joint group calls and meetings as a guest (Calls.JoinGroupCallAsGuest.All)

Allows the bot to anonymously join group calls and scheduled meetings in your organization as a guest. Used for joining participants who are not authorized to bypass the Microsoft Teams lobby.

Access media streams in a call as an app (Calls.AccessMedia.All)

Allows the bot to get direct access to media streams in a call, without a signed-in user.

Read online meeting details (OnlineMeetings.Read.All)

Allows the service to read Online Meeting details in your organization. Used to look up and resolve VTC Conference IDs to Microsoft Teams meetings.

Sign in and read user profile (User.read)

Required for the other permissions listed. The integration does not use it directly.

Microsoft Graph Permissions Reference: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/permissions-reference

Webex Meetings Vs Webex Teams

Microsoft Meeting Bots Overview: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/bots/calls-and-meetings/calls-meetings-bots-overview