
GlooMaps, simple and fast online sitemapping tool. Create and build a visual sitemap, add content and share with others. Website planning made easy! Sorry you got a review that said 'Bogus Plugin' from 'tim.' Who said it 'doesn't do anything'. He apparently did not read you simple one line of instructions to 'For start: create oder (or) update any Post or Pages and your WordPress will create your sitemap.xml Yea, that is pretty simple.

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  2. Image Sitemap Generator
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XML Sitemap Example

If you are familiar with RSS feeds you can think of an XML sitemap a bit like a special RSS feed for all of your website. An XML sitemap uses XML to represent all the pages of your website in a structured format to provide search engines with important information about the content of your website .

The Sitemap protocol is an open standard supported by the main search engines including Google, Microsoft Bing, Yandex, Baidu and more.

An XML Sitemap contains 4 basic elements for each page in your website, but can be extended to include more information :

  • Url location
    The full URL to the webpage.
  • Last modified date
    When the page was last updated.
  • Change frequency
    Never, Yearly, Monthly, Weekly, Daily, Hourly, Always
  • Page priority
    A number 0.0, 0.1, 0.2 through to 1.0 to indicate the relative priority of pages within your website.

These are marked up using XML as in the diagram below :

You can create sitemaps in a simple text editor such as XML or use a tool to get you started. We provide a free online sitemap generator, a word press plugin or a Windows dowload.

XML sitemap example download

Sitemap url generator

The links below provide a couple of example sitemap produced using our online sitemap generator for this website.


Generate your own sitemap

It's quick and easy to generate a sitemap for your website using our free online sitemap generator or you can give one of our other tools a try.

XML Sitemap generator software provide the ability to crawl through all the pages of large sites and generate sitemaps. Sitemaps are html/xml files that list out every single URL on your website, along with important information for each URL(metadata)


  • Web Design Frameworks

XML sitemaps are critical for SEO and are submitted to all search engines by the site-owner. Let us go over some of the prominent XML sitemap generator software applications in the market.

1. Wonderwebware sitemap generator

Wonderwebware is among the top freeware sitemap generators available on the internet. xml sitemap generator unlimited. Some of its unique features are listed below.

  • Automatically generates sitemaps in Google(XML) or Yahoo(TXT) format
  • Can export collected links to CSV or HTML file formats
  • It acts like a web-spider and crawls the site in order to extract links from all the pages

2. Simple Sitemap Creator

Simple Sitemap Creator is a simple sitemap creation software xml sitemap generator unlimited pages.

Some of its key features are

  • Produces sitemaps in HTML, Google compatible XML and CSV formats
  • Supports HTTPS
  • Available on Windows and Linux
  • Lightweight and Easy to use

Simple Sitemap Generator Google

3. Sitemap generator by Nullox

This sitemap generator by Nullox is xml sitemap generator software, free download.

Some of its key features are

  • Generates sitemaps which are compatible with all webmaster tools
  • It enforces an upper bound in order to limit the number of entries in the sitemap
  • It offers the ability to filter out specific keywords and characters while generating sitemaps (for filtering out specific URL’s, for example)

4. Holy SEO sitemap generator

Holy SEO sitemap generator is a one more widely used freeware sitemap creation software xml sitemap generator for blogger.

Some of its key features are

  • The software exports the collected links to a html file
  • It generates sitemaps by acting like a spider program for the website and collecting all internal links

5. GNU Crawl and map

GNU Crawl and map is one of the leading freeware sitemap creation software xml sitemap generator for wordpress.

Image Sitemap Generator

Some of its critical features are

  • Apart from being a sitemap generator, this application can also search for specific content within a website
  • It can also search for 404 error pages and dead-links
  • Ability to create an overview of meta information (meta – keywords, descriptions, robots, page titles) for all the website pages
  • Requires Java to be installed in order to run – Runs on all OS’s with a JRE

6. Cyotek Sitemap Creator

The sitemap creator from Cyotek is one of the top sitemap creation software programs xml sitemap generator wordpress.

Some of its notable features are

Sitemap Template

  • Extensive set of rules can be set to finely control the performance of this sitemap generator – including for example including a URL in a sitemap but not crawling it
  • Advanced string replacement functionality is also available while creating the sitemaps
  • Forms can be created in order to login into protected areas
  • Can also generate a visual diagram for the website
  • Supports Windows from Vista through to Windows 10
  • Extensive reporting capability is available – pages, missing pages, errors etc.

7. Xtreeme SiteXpert

Xtreeme SiteXpert is one of the top sitemap creation software programs xml sitemap generator wordpress.

Some of its notable features are

  • Supports link validation during the creation of the sitemap
  • Automatic upload of sitemap files to an FTP server
  • Supports all major browsers and platforms
  • Produces XHTML compliant-output code
  • Has the ability to crawl links inside Flash documents also

8. DRKSpiderJava

DRKSpiderJava is an open source software created in Java. It is one of the prominent sitemap creation software programs xml sitemap generator plugin wordpress.

Some of its notable features are

  • Generates a navigation tree to match the site-hierarchy
  • Regular expression-enabled search is available
  • Also has an advanced link-search tool
  • Supports HTTP authentication and basic SEO analysis

9. A1 Sitemap generator

A1 Sitemap generator is software from Microsys with a 30-day evaluation available. It is a leading sitemap creation software program xml sitemap generator for magento.

Some of its key features are

Simple Sitemap Generator Download

  • Very extensive set of scanning options
  • Supports crawler filters, nofollow and robots.txt
  • Ability to remove session ID’s while generating the map
  • Reporting available on broken and redirected links

Simple Sitemap Generator Online

Which XML Sitemap generator would be right for my specific environment? Some expert tips might help you make the right choice

What are the critical requirements from the sitemap generator on which you cannot compromise? Which of the below sounds like your view?

  • I need the ability to filter out keywords and characters while generating sitemaps
  • Cross-platform operation is important for me
  • I need to be able to search for 404 error pages and dead links
  • I need to be able to also generate a visual diagram for my site in the process
  • I need to be able to finely control the generation of the sitemap

Based on your answers to the above questions, you could make a more educated choice of Sitemap generator software.

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