
  1. Keycue Vs Cheat Sheet

KeyCue With a keystroke of your choice, KeyCue displays all currently available keyboard shortcuts. This helps you to access and automatically learn these shortcuts which finally lets you work more efficiently. Choose the license you need. Did you know that the average Mac OS X application has 40 to 80 menu shortcuts?Menu shortcuts are supposed to provide quick access to frequently used menu co.

Keycue review
  • Here KeyCue is showing keyboard shortcuts for iTunes, just by holding down the Command button for one second. Notice that KeyCue can be set to appear partially transparent—helpful when you still want to be able to view the app you’re using underneath the KeyCue window. To hide KeyCue, simply let go of the Command button.
  • KeyCue has always been a handy tool for learning and remembering keyboard shortcuts. With a simple keystroke or click, KeyCue displays a table with all available keyboard.
KeyCue - A cheat sheet for keyboard shortcuts | 12 comments | Create New Account
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The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.

I am really missing one feature from Windows - the feature that enables me to target *a specific* menu via one shortcut, eg ALT-F for the File menu.
In the Mac I can 'only' (after some very good improvements from Apple!!!) target the Apple menu (for me by hitting CTRL-M), the I have to arrow my way to other menus.
So it takes me another 9 'clicks' to go to the Help menu in Safari...
- I do like that I can type my way to a specific line in the menu, eg 'O' to get to the Open File... in the File menu...
An application that - generally - let me use eg. ALT-F to activate the File menu, ALT-B for Bookmarks etc.
It should somehow be customisable since there might be more menuitems beginning with the same letter (eg File & Font in BBEdit).
If it does'nt exist (Idoubt) the maybe I should begin to learn how to use my XCode ;-)

Ctrl-F1 will turn on systemwide keyboard shortcuts, and, once they're on, Ctrl-F2 will 'focus' on the Menu. From there, arrows and first-letters (of menu commands) will navigate you around any application's menus using keyboard only. It's not the same ease of access as the Windows way, but it's better than mouse-only. For more keyboard shortcuts, see 'Keyboard Shortcuts' in the Keyboard & Mouse System Preference.

I *AM* (and have been for a LONG time) using all of those features* - actually since CTRL-M and CTRL-D was 'predefined sets' (they're more logical for me than F1, F2 etc.) 10.2 I think?
What I am searching for is MORE than that :)
* a long with LaunchBar (that has replaced QuicKeys :) and LiteSwitch - so my mouseusage is down to a bare minimum...

iKey is great. i don't know if it will let you do exactly what it is you want to do with the menus but it will let you target any menu item or window or whatever - even in sequences, with the keyboard shortcut of your choice.
it is the most stable power utility i have ever used. an amazing creation. philipe hupé is the creator. la brillance française.
i've used it to designate a key for switching the finder window views to column view with no shortcuts window and toolbar (OS 9) and the standard OS X finder view. have your cake and eat it too.
and the best part is you can make it do whatever you want in whatever application you want.
don't like the user interface - fix it. in minutes, not hours. apologies for the superlatives but iKey is that good.
and it's priced right at $20.
another small but important use is a keyboard shortcut (cross application) for any boilerplate text you use.

Keycue 9 review

iKey looks as a great application - something that could have been inspired by Quickeys (that I used a lot in the pre-OS X days :)
Unfortunately I am not able to create a shortcut to the Menu itself - only to an item in the menu or an item in a submenu.
If I delete the name of the menuitem (to try to convince the app to only show the menu not the menuitem) the result is a crash of iKey, so I guess there is room for some validation of the 'objects' one creates ;-)
The app does look to have great potential so I'll send the programmer an e-mail with my featurerequest and - off course - also a link to this thread...

Due to a user error - they DO happen once in a while here end there - I did'nt notice the 'Display only menu' - THAT make it do what I want it to do(!)
The developer was so kind as to inform me about that issue within 24 hours - great, I am gonna love that app!

I have KeyCue installed because I hope to increase my use of key commands rather than using the mouse. For me it is quite useful but, as Rob points out, it only 'sees' and reports on commands in the keyboard menu. I was hoping, for example, that it might access the Keyboard Shortcuts... (a shortcut manager) which lists all key commands in Photoshop CS. As it doesn't, I've written the developer with that suggestion which, if implemented would be a boon to computer graphics civilization!

Well, whatever your suggestion may be, I hope it is along the lines of 'find a way to make KeyCue reveal ALL keyboard shortcuts in an app, even the ones we don't see listed on our menus.' I was just thinking, all through April as I learned my way around Final Cut Pro 4, that I could really use an app that, when I had a certain app selected and held a key down, would show me what the key was assigned. I was constantly hitting keys in FCP that turned out to be shortcuts to things I didn't know about, and I worried now & then that I'd just done something destructive.
KeyCues is of no help to me, in this case, since it doesn't reveal all keyboard shortcuts. The ones on the menus are easy enough for me to find [I took snapshots of a few menus as reminders]; it's the ones that aren't on the menus that I most need help with.

Yep, like some of those possibly-obscure-but-cleverly-useful option-prefixed ones that Apple likes to sneak in with software updates without necessarily documenting them which end up being mentioned in hints on this site. :-)
How hard can it be to consistently make 'Keyboard/Mouse Shortcuts' a standard item under the Help menu of every application?

I wrote to the developer asking about this too; he replied that the only way he knew to accomplish this was to maintain a static database of known (or reported) keyboard shortcuts (apart from those shown in the Menubar).
This would be completely useless, as a simple 'maintenance update' from many a vendor has been known to kill a keystroke.
There just has to be a way to scan the app to find the keystroke library and keep it current and 'dynamic'.
Otherwise, yes, this app could be a -- no, THE -- killer productivity app; replacing the endless pile of printed pages from hints sites, keystroke cards from Adobe, Macromedia, et al, that litter media artists' desks the world over. Of course, any number of software instructors would lose a good chunk of their value, but, hey, that's progress.


I wrote to the developer asking about this too; he replied that the only way he knew to accomplish this was to maintain a static database of known (or reported) keyboard shortcuts (apart from those shown in the Menubar).
This would be completely useless, as a simple 'maintenance update' from many a vendor has been known to kill a keystroke.
There just has to be a way to scan the app to find the keystroke library and keep it current and 'dynamic'.
Otherwise, yes, this app could be a -- no, THE -- killer productivity app; replacing the endless pile of printed pages from hints sites, keystroke cards from Adobe, Macromedia, et al, that litter media artists' desks the world over. Of course, any number of software instructors would lose a good chunk of their value, but, hey, that's progress.

See John Gruber's Losers, Weepers article. Developers should be encouraging Apple to revamp the underlying implementation.
Keycue manual

Keycue Vs Cheat Sheet

  • If you own a previous version of one of our products, our Quick Upgrade Assistant makes it easy for you to purchase the new version at a discounted price. Just enter your current license key in the field below and press the Upgrade button. If you want, you can still modify your shopping cart before checkout.

  • Our Productivity Bundle packages together our most popular products PopChar X, KeyCue, and Typinator. If you order the productivity bundle, all three products will be put into your shopping cart, and a quantity discount will be applied automatically.

  • PopChar X helps you to insert special characters in any Mac OS X application. Click PopChar's 'P' in the menu bar and then the desired character to directly insert the character into your document.
  • PopChar Win helps you to insert special characters in any Windows application. Click PopChar's 'P' in the system tray and then the desired character to directly insert the character into your document.
  • With a keystroke of your choice, KeyCue displays all currently available keyboard shortcuts. This helps you to access and automatically learn these shortcuts which finally lets you work more efficiently.
  • Set up custom abbreviations for frequently needed text items, and Typinator automatically replaces the abbreviations with the corresponding expansions as you type. Saves a lot of your time.