Family Memoir

Family Memoir Game: Deborah’s father was a man that always loved writing. Most of all he loved writing his memoirs. Actually, he didn’t write just about himself, but loved writing about his whole family. He was following the family tree and looking for interesting facts about his relatives. As a matter of fact, that was something he took from his father. Something that he continued doing many years later, cherishing the tradition.
It seems that this family tradition of writing memoirs will continue even further.

Writing About My Family

Family memoir exampleFamilyFamily Memoir

Students first select a family member to interview, and then craft a set of interview. Students create written memoirs, focusing on one or two unifying themes, and can be presented as a photographic collage, a series of panels telling a story, a painting, a video, a musical composition, a sculpture, or another creative way. Writing a memoir is one of the best gifts you can give to your family, especially future generations. Think about it: How much do you really know about your grandmother? What about her grandmother— Do you even know the name of your grandmother's grandmother? The form your memoir or family history takes will determine the size and shape of the project, the type of services you’ll need, and therefore the cost. We encourage you to contact us to discuss the details of your personal memoir or family history book, so you can capture your family legacy before it slips away. The Hare With Amber Eyes: A Family's Century of Art and Loss (Hardcover) by Edmund de Waal.

Family Memoir Book

Namely in Family Memoir Game: Debora remembers that her father was writing the family memoirs. She is interested in continuing of this tradition, on the spot where her father stopped. That’s why Debora comes to the abandoned house of her parents. She would like to find the father’s memoirs and read them. After that, she will start writing her own memories, just like her father, and her grandfather. Let’s help Deborah search through the abandoned house and we hope that she will manage to find those writings so she could continue the family tradition. You can play this game on all devices. So enjoy and have fun in playing Family Memoir Game.

Family Memoir Example

Also make sure to check out Collecting Memories Game, you may enjoy playing it.