Apple Office Software

An office suite program that preceded the Apple iWork suite

An application used to handle archive files in OS X

An app bundled with macOS and iOS devices used to read e-books

A system utility application used for disk operations on Apple computers

A professional video editor for macOS

A password management system bundled with macOS

A macOS productivity application used to create and view presentations

A digital audio workstation and MIDI sequencer

An email application bundled with the OS X operating system

A macOS productivity app used to organize, analyze, and visualize data in spreadsheets

An operating system developed by Apple

A word processing and page layout designing application for macOS

A word processing app for iPhone and iPad devices

A photo organizing app bundled with macOS and iOS

An image viewing application bundled with macOS

A macOS-bundled media player that plays most common audio and video files

A web browser bundled with macOS

A command-line utility included with Mac OS X

A rich text editor for the Mac platform

A macOS IDE used for creating iOS and OS X apps

A tool used to design and develop interactive advertisements for iOS apps without programming

A video editor for macOS and iOS developed by Apple

A digital photo editing program that comes with Mac computers

A media player used for listening to, watching, reading, and playing various media

Apple Office SoftwareEquivalent

Apache OpenOffice is a free office-suite alternative to Microsoft Office or Apple's iWork Suite. With open-source development, features constantly change and improve, which makes OpenOffice in. Microsoft Office 365 Home - 1 year / 5 units - Multi-language - ESD - E-Key Free shipping.

Apple Office SoftwareApple Office Software

Apple Open Office Software

The Office installation and update packages contain the optimized code for both Apple Silicon and Intel-based devices. This is true regardless of whether you obtain Office from the Mac App Store, or - which uses the Microsoft Content Delivery Network (CDN). Is there any reason to run Office under Rosetta 2 translation?